The Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife Division needs help finding the person(s) responsible for poaching and wasting a spike elk in the Logsden area of Lincoln County, about 100 miles southwest of Portland.
Officers responded to a call and found the dead spike on Fall Creek Road, northeast of the intersection of Fall Creek Road and Big Rock Creek Road, that someone shot, gutted and left to waste. The initial investigation determined the animal had been shot sometime between August 12 and August 15, 2021.
If you have any information, call 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (677) or TIP E-Mail: reference case # SP21233495.
Douglas County Elk Poaching
On August 30, 2021, OSP Fish & Wildlife Troopers from Roseburg began an investigation from information obtained from an area resident into the potential unlawful take of a trophy class bull elk in the Glendale in Douglas County. By September 6, 2021, they identified, interviewed and charged two with the crimes.
The main suspect, Jeremy Pritchard (39) of Dillard, confessed to shooting the bull elk with a rifle on during the general archery season in the Powers Hunt Unit. Additionally, the suspect used his general archery season Tioga Hunt Unit archery tag to tag the bull a day later after taking it with his rifle. He received six different citations. His accomplice, Dean Hickok (62) of Glendale in Douglas County, confessed to knowingly aiding the suspect in the processing and transporting of the illegally taken trophy bull elk. He was cited and released for Aiding in a Game Violation.
Officers sized the antlers, meat and rifle as evidence.
(Photo source: Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife Division)