Elk NetworkLead Volunteers Share Wisdom at Elk Camp

Volunteer News | August 20, 2012

Lead Volunteers Share Wisdom at Elk Camp

By Lauren Hummel, Field Programs Manager

“Elk Tech 101,” “Getting a Bang for Your Buck” and the “Who, Why and How of Volunteering” were all topics presented at the 2011 Elk Camp Volunteer Seminars. RMEF volunteers from around the country had an opportunity to learn from seasoned volunteers how to use the Event Invitation System (EIS), increase banquet fundraising and donations, and recruit volunteers.

Fifty-seven volunteers attended “Elk Tech 101,” which covered frequently asked questions about the EIS, including why the system was developed, who incurs the costs, and how to create and work on an event within the EIS. Attendees also learned about the intricacies of the Chapter Finance Package, such as reporting procedures, the purpose of 1099s, the timetable for submitting financial packages after the event date and reporting damaged or missing merchandise. 

RMEF lead volunteers presented banquet planning, fundraising and cash and donation underwriting tips to 45 freshman volunteers during the “Getting a Bang for Your Buck” session. Ideas included developing an overall plan for the event (versus shooting from the hip), using attendance goals to help in that planning, and deciding who to target for cash and merchandise donations. 

Who is an RMEF volunteer, why become an RMEF volunteer and how do RMEF volunteers help ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat were all questions asked during the “Who, Why and How of Volunteering” seminar to a room full of RMEF members, staff and volunteers. Anyone interested in the RMEF’s mission is a volunteer, volunteers help ensure the future of our hunting heritage, and assisting with habitat projects to support the mission were just a few of the answers provided.

 “The seminars were very well attended with great presenters and interested volunteers who came with stimulating questions and feedback,” says Gary Hansen, RMEF Washington State Chair and 2011 volunteer seminar coordinator.  “The seminars were a win-win for all involved.”

The seminars were a hit and the attendance levels were at an all-time high this year. Thank you to the presenters, volunteers, members and staff who attended!

If you are a RMEF volunteer and were unable to attend the Volunteer Seminars, the presentations are available on the RMEF Volunteer Intranet or by contacting Lauren Hummel at lhummel@rmef.org.