WhatRMEF worked with willing landowners to conserve some 800 acres they own in two private inholdings and conveyed these lands to the U.S. Forest Service. WhereThe skyline is pure elk country southwest of Phillipsburg, Montana in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest.WhoRocky Mountain Elk FoundationConservation Minded LandownersU.S. Forest ServiceWhy It’s ImportantZekes Meadows provides year-round habitat for elk as well as deer, moose, wolverines, Canada lynx, fishers and scores of other species.
The properties also provides spawning habitat for westslope cutthroat trout, and is designated Critical Habitat for the federally threatened bull trout. In More InfoHome to more than 2,000 elk, it is a paradise for public-land hunters that RMEF worked to expand with another postcard elk park known as Zekes Meadows.
Elk NetworkZekes Meadow
Conservation | February 20, 2018

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