September 23 is National Hunting and Fishing Day. Take the pledge to be a mentor and bring someone hunting or fishing and you’ll automatically be entered into winning a one-in-a-kind prize.
Elk NetworkTake the National Hunting and Fishing Day Pledge!
General | August 4, 2017
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Conservation, RMEF Touted at Capitol Hill Hearing
When hunting and conservation are at your core, you let others know about it. The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources fired three hours [...]
Hunting Helps Generate Another $1.3 Billion for Conservation
Chalk up another nearly one million reasons why hunting is conservation. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) doled out $1.3 billion to states, commonwealths [...]
Kimber’s CDS9 is the Pinnacle of Everyday Carry
From hammer to muzzle the CDS9 is a completely new EDC (Everyday Carry) design from Kimber. The new CDS9 is a micro compact high-capacity handgun [...]